This site will focus on business aspects of technology used by service providers, enterprises and end users. The site will include changes in the communication marketplace (data, voice - wireline and wireless, video). The information presented here is based on my research and experience – dealing with customers and taking products/offers to market. Opinions on this blog are just mine and have no relevance to the current thinking of the company I work for.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Radio spectrum freed could be a great win for the WiMAX proponents

The Financial Times and ( reported that radio spectrum 698-806 MHz will be available immediately for service providers to offer mobile broadband services immediately in America and much of Asia including China and India. In Europe, Africa and the Middle East it will be available after 2015. This was put together under a United Nations agreement on Friday, Nov 16, 2007 by governments of over 160 countries.

The article makes a great case for Ultra High Frequency (UHF),

1. Support for high speed mobile broadband connections – encouraging the development of new internet-based services

2. UHF signals can penetrate buildings and travel long distance, reducing the cost of rolling out wireless services

This is certainly great news for all the WiMAX proponents (Google, Clearwire, Intel, Motorola, Samsung etc.). The adoption and improved penetration of wireless services would also be of great benefit for end users as it is believed in a more connected world – individuals benefit through the dissemination of information and enable trade and commerce. This will directly add up to the GDP of a country. Improved GDP will further improve the lives of people and will surely be desired virtuous cycle for people in the emerging markets.

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